Hair care shampoo bars

Modern hair care can no longer do without hair care bars. They combine all the advantages of modern hair care and at the same time the claim to be environmentally conscious. Solid hair care products are care products from which the water has been removed. The products do not need plastic packaging. Another advantage of using hair care bars is that the hair and scalp only come into contact with the foam. This means that skin irritation through direct contact of the scalp with the undiluted liquid product can be avoided.

Since the introduction of hair care as a bar, this type of product has become an absolute bestseller. Shampoo bars and conditioner bars are fixed products in which care is directly integrated. Due to the composition of high-quality raw materials such as plant extracts and nourishing oils, without the addition of artificial ingredients or colourings, the hair care bars achieve an optimal care result without unnecessarily burdening people and the environment. Valuable oils and delicate fragrances guarantee a completely satisfactory care result. All hair care bars are certified as natural cosmetics with the ICADA seal.

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Shampoo Bar - The future of Hair care

Liquid shampoo is oldschool - today the modern hair care puts it all on shampoo Bars. A bottle of shampoo lasts with normal consumption about two months. These are at least six bottles per year. With Conditioner and body gel gather only by shower utensils a big mountain in plastic. Shampoo bars unite all advantages of a modern hair care and at the same time the claim to live in an environmentally friendly way. They contain the classical ingredients of a shampoo, get by without plastic packaging and foam and just maintain as a customary liquid shampoo. Another advantage by the use of shampoo bars is that hair and scalp merely comes in contact with the foam. Skin irritation are avoided by direct contact of the scalp with the unwatered liquid shampoo and appear as rarer. And shampoo bars are still substantially more fertile than liquid Shampoo with 40-50 applications on an average.